Monday, January 11, 2010


According to Wikipedia Walkabout refers to: "a rite of passage where male Australian Aborigines would undergo a journey during adolescence and live in the wilderness for a period as long as six months.[1] In this practice they would trace the paths, or "songlines", that their people's ceremonials ancestors took, and imitate, in a fashion, their heroic deeds."
The same site says of Chronicles that they are:" a historical account of facts and events ranged in chronological order. "

I am discovering the world, constantly. I realize that a lot of my perspectives have to do with the heritage I carry, but where I am going is my own.

So in the fashion of that most ancient peoples, the Australian aborigines, I am on a walkabout, retracing, rewriting the epic stories of my people on a new, wider, real color canvas, the World.

This is my story...

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